Injure others and you injure yourself — help others and you help yourself
The Chinese government is guilty of mass genocide against the Tibetans and yet only one country; Uruguay, openly stands by Tibet and its people. I am not saying all Chinese are bad, just their current government. As are the governments of many countries today when they seemingly just focus on power, commerce and self-gain without any further thought towards their subjects and all the other inhabitants we share this planet with.
See the end of this page for links to other sites for further information or ways in which you can help the Tibetans.
The fact that Tibetans are now the minority group in their own country is very sad indeed. Here are some very heartbreaking attention-grabbing facts:
- 1.5 million Tibetans have been slaughtered since the Chinese occupation.
- Over six thousand monasteries and temples and historical structures looted and destroyed beyond repair.
- Tibet's ecosystem has been severely damaged: vast regions of forest have been removed whilst numerous wildlife species decimated just for food by the Chinese.
- Tibet's substantial mineral resources have been pillaged and continues to this date.
- One quarter of China's nuclear missiles are stationed in Tibet.
- China is using Tibet as a dumping ground for nuclear waste.
- Some four hundred thousand Chinese troops are based in Tibet.
- Over 8 million Chinese colonists have moved into Tibet in a step to dominate the Tibetans.
- A secret Chinese document in 1992 revealed plans to swamp the Tibetan population with even more Chinese.
- Forced abortions, many in late pregnancy, and sterilization of Tibetan women is not uncommon.
- Some four thousand Tibetan political prisoners are being held including the child Panchen Lama.
- Over 180,000 Tibetans are in exile worldwide.
- In 1959, the international Commission of Jurists found that genocide had been committed in Tibet.
- Chairman Mao wanted to blow-up the Potala — as they did with the Chakpori — to break the Tibetan spiritual spirit.
Forced to denounce the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual and temporal leader, his chosen Panchen Lama; Tibetans must pledge their allegiance to the Chinese government. Failure to do so can result in imprisonment or other forms of punishment. Possessing an image of the Dalai Lama or Tibetan flag is still illegal in Tibet today.
More than 80% of Tibetans in the "TAR" (Tibet Autonomous Region) now live below the poverty line. I have met many Tibetans who are in Exile in Nepal and India which have confirmed these figures. Tibet will rise again one day as the spiritual centre of the world, but only when the time is right.
The Tibetan flag designed by the Great 5th Dalai Lama
- Tibet Foundation OrganisationUK base charity for Tibetans.
- Voice of Tibet Independent Tibetan radio station in Tibetan and Chinese.
- Central Tibet Administration Get to know what's happening in Tibet from the Tibetans.
- China's Tibet Get to know what's happening in Tibet from the Chinese.
- His Holiness The Official Website of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.
- Panchen Lama Official website.
- Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy.
- Tibet Online a website managed by the Tibetans in English and twenty other languages. If you wish to know more about Tibet and the Tibetans this is the best place to start as they have listed all global support groups. Also you can purchase many Tibetan items such as Thangkas.
- Tibet Photo Project Joe Mickey's website educating and bringing awareness of Tibet and it's people to the world.
- Explorer 6000 images of Tibet amazing old pictures of Tibet circa early 1900's
- Friends of Tibet (New Zealand)
- Friends of Tibet (India, Spain, Sri Lanka and Uruguay)
- Friends of Tibet (North America)